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The 2nd Science & Technology Research Grant Recipients
Year : 1995
Project 1 | Development of Technique for In-Vivo Analysis of Fat and Meat Ratio in Economics (Mr. Somsorn Singkarat, Chiang Mai University) |
Project 2 | Remote Water Quality Monitoring Based Fiber Optic (Dr. Preecha Yupapin, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang) |
Project 3 | Transport Property of Disordered Charged Bosons Systems (Dr. Pornthep Nisamaneephong, Mahidol University) |
Project 4 | Development of Bacillus thuringiensis for Insect Pest Control in Thailand (Dr. Tipvadee Attathom, Kasetsart University Kamphaengsaen Campus) |
Project 5 | Synthesis of Betamethasone from steroids extracted from industrial waste of Agave sisalana Perr. (Dr. Ngarmpong Kongkathip, Kasetsart University) |
Project 6 | Breeding Soybean for Enhancement of Nitrogen Eixation Potential (Dr. Settha Siripin, Maejo University) |
Project 7 | Development of Electronic Circuits for Thai-English Teletext Decorder (Dr. Ekachai Leelarasamee, Chulalongkorn University) |
Project 8 | Development of Using Non-Azestropic Refrigement Blends in Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Enginipments (Dr. Thanongkiat Kiatsirirote, Chiang Mai University) |
Project 9 | Chemistry of Natural Products and Organic Synthesis (Dr. Manat Pohmakotr, Mahidol University) |
Project 10 | Alkane Functionalization Catalyzed by Some Copper Complexes (Dr. Warinthorn Chavasiri, Chulalongkorn University) |